
A daily supplement to restore and maintain gut vitality.

Made from 100% natural active ingredients, the Verm-X® Original range can be fed all year round. Use for daily control and protection of intestinal hygiene.

It’s suitable for all shapes and sizes and even those with with sensitive stomachs.

25kg+  —  6 per day
11-25kg  —  4 per day
Up to 10kg  —  2 per day

Puppies should be fed half the adult amount between three to six months of age, and the full amount thereafter. For continued effectiveness, feed daily. When introducing Verm-X, or when required, double the quantity can be safely fed over 14 days.

Prior to introducing any new product have a Faecal Egg Count (FEC) so you have a record of your starting point. As their effect is cumulative, use the daily crunchies for at least 3 weeks before doing a follow up FEC. We recommend that all dogs have regular faecal egg counts (at least twice a year) to avoid unnecessary control programmes. \n \n120g will last a small dog 1 month. \n \n

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