
Introducing Naked Dog's Wild Boar 1kg raw dog food, now conveniently divided into two 500g tubs! This single-ingredient marvel is perfect for dogs with discerning tastes and sensitive stomachs. Crafted with simplicity and quality in mind, the finest Wild Boar meat takes center stage, making it an ideal choice for elimination diets and dogs with food sensitivities.

The Wild Boar meat is carefully selected, providing a lean and nutritious option for your canine companion. Now, with the convenience of two 500g tubs.

Give your pup a taste of the wild with Naked Dog's Wild Boar – a single-ingredient marvel that celebrates simplicity and nourishment.

Because a happy dog starts with a meal that's as pure and exceptional as they are!


Wild Boar (with bone), Boar Heart, Boar Liver, Boar Kidney.


Moisture 65.4%, Protein 18.1%, Fat 11.3%, Ash 5.4%, Fibre 0.8%

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