
Introducing Manx Moo Tube – the ultimate doggie delight that's both tasty and eco-friendly! Made from Manx Beef trachea, this nutrient-packed chew are a pure canine dream come true!

Manx Moo Tube isn't just any old chew – it's a one-way ticket to doggie bliss! When your pup chomps down on these delicious treats, they'll release natural endorphins and experience pure chill. And the best part? Their mouth and gums will thank them too, because Manx Moo Tube promotes a healthier smile.

Environmentally Conscious

We believe in minimising our impact on the
environment. Our treats are made with readily available ingredients,
ensuring no additional strain on our planet's resources

Happy Hormones Unleashed

Treat time means joy! Chewing treats stimulates the release of endorphins, those feel-good hormones
that contribute to your pet's overall happiness. Watch them wag their
tail with delight!

Dental Health Support

Say goodbye to dental problems! The crunchy
texture of our treats helps reduce plaque and tartar buildup. Chewing on
our tubes naturally cleans your pet's teeth, ensuring a happy and
healthy smile.

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